I'm curious as to how the other races fit into this world. Are caucs exported to Asia, or the Middle East? What about Hispanics?
The simple answer is no, caucs are not exported to Asia or the Middle East (at least not anymore), the reason being that there simply isn’t anyone there to trade with. The environmental collapse left large swaths of the planet uninhabitable and brought most human societies back to the stone age. The continent of Africa is one of the few places left where one can find advanced civilization.
In the past, however, the cauc trade was more global. Even before the new American Revolution, before all white Americans were declared slaves, many white convicts were shipped off to various countries as cheap immigrant labor. Developing nations throughout Asia and the Middle East imported whites to perform jobs too demeaning or dangerous for the average dignified citizen.
However, as time went on, the economies of Asia and the Middle East began to decline. By the time whites were officially declared slaves in America, most slaves were being exported to more prosperous African countries.
As for how the multitude of races and ethnic identities other than white and black fit into the present-day world, well, that’s a little more complicated. When discussing such matters, it helps to look back to where the modern ideas of race come from: America. In the early days of pre-Revolution America, the focus was on uplifting black people from the poverty and oppression they had faced for centuries, while simultaneously reducing the wealth, power and privilege enjoyed by those of the white race. Asians, Hispanics, and Indigenous peoples were more or less ignored by the new power structure. They didn’t receive the benefits that black people did, such as reduced taxes and increased voting representation, but neither were they subjected to the increased taxes or other discriminatory laws that targeted whites.
As whites quickly became the new underclass of American society, Hispanics and Asians were able to accumulate more and more material wealth right alongside black people. Asians perhaps benefited the most, already being a relatively wealthy group even in the days of white supremacy, but Hispanics did quite well for themselves as well. The roles for whites and Hispanics were quickly reversed in this new order, with wealthy and educated Hispanics now employing destitute (and typically naked) whites as maids, gardeners, or other occupations historically filled by immigrant labor.
The new order in America was godsend for all minority groups, and the pro-black/anti-white legislation was supported by non-black minorities without question. This blind support for the new order would eventually lead to their downfall.
Soon before the new American Revolution, Hispanics (excluding black Hispanics, obviously) and Asians were stripped of their privileged status as non-whites and subjected to all the discriminatory practices that whites were subjected too. Most people of Asian descent fled the country to escape being treated as second-class citizens, but Hispanics didn’t really have much choice but to stay in America, as Central and South American countries had increasingly deteriorated to the point of becoming lawless warzones controlled by cartels and other non-state actors. When the Revolution came to pass and Hispanics were enslaved alongside whites, their ethnic identity was quickly forgotten, as they were now considered no different than whites genetically. After all, Hispanics were partially descended from European colonizers, therefore culpable in the oppression that had occurred in the Americas for hundreds of years.
The Indigenous peoples of America were spared from enslavement for a number of reasons. For one, Native Americans were seen as having suffered equally, if not more, than black people, making it difficult for slavery proponents to turn public opinion against them. Though some tribes had participated in the slave trade, it was a known fact that many tribes had accepted runaway black slaves into their communities and treated them as equals. Additionally, Indigenous populations were so low that they were not considered a threat to black supremacy. In fact, the U.S. government even expanded their reservations and granted them more autonomy than ever before. Native Americans grew in wealth as a result but mostly stayed out of American politics. Any that left the reservation were often faced with discrimination, leading to a de facto segregation between the two races.
Now let us fast forward to Year Zero, the zenith of the environmental catastrophe that we refer to as the Collapse. Not much is documented from this period, but we do know that drought, famine, and resource wars ravaged the entire world, with most countries outside of the African continent quickly falling to anarchy. Refugees from the Middle East and flocked to the relative safety and stability of Africa, but they were not always welcomed with open arms. Those with lighter skin tones were promptly enslaved upon arrival, their ethnic identities stripped away from them (much like what had happened to white Hispanics a few decades prior) and reduced to the status of just another type of cauc.
Those with darker skin tones fared a little better, being accepted into society as free persons, though they were barred from voting, running for office, or owning property. This was only ever meant to be a short-term solution though, as the black supremacist nations of Africa had no intention of sharing their society with other races. Laws were passed to discourage or outright ban sexual relationships between non-Africans, and propaganda campaigns were launched to encourage interracial relationships as a way for refugees to better “assimilate” into African culture.
These campaigns for interracial breeding were wildly successful, though the ads themselves received some criticism from feminist groups, due to exclusively featuring African males with immigrant females but never the other way around. Regardless of these criticisms, the campaign had its intended effect, and within a few generations there were only two races in Africa: black people and cauc slaves.
For almost a century African civilization was confined to the continent of Africa, due to the political and environmental instability brought about by the collapse. Knowledge of civilizations outside of Africa is lost to history. As far as Africans are concerned, civilized humans have never left their ancestral home. As the Earth begins to heal however, expeditions are sent out to rediscover the world, and what they discovered would turn this theory on its head.
Though Europe is now covered in forests and inhabited by primitive, ape-like caucs, signs of advanced civilization remain, in the form of metal and concrete structures overgrown with fauna. The obvious explanation was that Africans had conquered the world long ago, these ruins being remnants of many a once-great pre-Collapse civilization. Ruins were found all over Europe, even in the inhospitable deserts of the Middle East, but it wasn’t until explorers reached the Indian subcontinent that further evidence of these ancient Africans were found, in the form of a peculiarly dark-skinned form of cauc.
In many ways these caucs were similar to their European counterparts, banding together in tight-knit tribes and never wearing a stitch of clothing. But these dark-skinned caucs differed from Western monkeys in their capacity for intelligence. They possessed rudimentary knowledge of tool use, were known to construct mud huts, made use of fire, and even spoke a unique, primitive language.
Geneticists theorized that these traits were the result of interbreeding between caucs and African peoples long ago, creating a smarter, darker breed of cauc. Despite this distant relation, the brown caucs of India were treated no differently than the caucs back home. After all, even if they did have miniscule amounts of African DNA in them, that didn’t change the fact that their African progenitors were dirty cauc-fuckers in the first place!
As explorers ventured further into Asia, they would encounter more varieties of caucs. To the north lived a more familiar looking light-skinned cauc, though this species had squinting eyes instead of the more round-eyed shape typical of other caucs. This feature would give this variety its colloquial name: the slant-eyed cauc.
Slant-eyed caucs made use of much of the same technologies that brown caucs did and seemed to have an equally developed culture and language, despite their lack of apparent African ancestry. These advances would lead African taxonomists to classify them as a new species, separate from both Western caucs and humans. Some have theorized that slant-eyed caucs represent the “missing link” between caucs and humans, but this theory lacks widespread scientific consensus. In the southernmost tip of Asia there lived a darker variant of slant-eyed cauc, likely caused by interbreeding with Africans as well, similar to the brown caucs of India.
The Eastern caucs, as these more intelligent breeds came to be called, would be enslaved by their black superiors just as Western caucs were, although not on nearly as large of a scale. Colonies and outposts in the East made use of brown and slant-eyed slaves, but these breeds were perceived as having temperaments less suited to slavery than the common Western cauc. They were rarely exported to Africa as slaves, but small numbers of them would be sold to zoos and wildlife refuges, where your average African could get glimpse of the kind of exotic life one can find in distant, foreign lands.
On the other hand, female brown caucs were known to be captured and sold to the more unscrupulous brothels back home. Their dark features caused them to look similar enough to human women that some men actually felt attraction to them, though surely no man would ever admit this!
Africans had now explored most of the Eastern Hemisphere, and what they discovered proved to them that they were the only surviving civilized peoples left in the world. Expeditions to the Western Hemisphere had yet to succeed, which Africans took as proof that the New World was too dangerous and inhospitable to support life, let alone civilization. But in recent years, conventional wisdom was turned on its head once again as Africans came face to face with explorers from across the Atlantic. These foreign explorers arrived on the British Isles in giant ships and seemed to have technology just as advanced as the countries of Africa, but, with straight, black hair and dark, reddish skin tones, they were obviously not related to African lineages. It appeared that after the American Diaspora, which saw black people and their cauc slaves move to Africa in droves shortly before the Collapse, the Indigenous nations of America stayed in their homeland, dug in their heels, and rode out the environmental collapse just as Africans did on the other side of the world. For now, there exists and uneasy truce between Africans and Native Americans, but as these two peoples expand their colonies into Europe, they are sure to come into conflict. A Scramble for Europe is on the horizon between African and American nations, racing to exploit the fertile and resource-rich land. Regardless of who ends up securing Europe for themselves, the outcome surely doesn’t look good for the native caucs.
(Ok, so, I'm sure this answer needs more polish but I've been working on it for long enough already. I hope it thoroughly answers your question!)